Holiday Season: Gift Ideas for People with Dementia and Caregivers

Gift Ideas for People with Dementia and Caregivers

The holiday season has arrived, and it is the time to buy gifts for family and friends. What will you give your loved one with dementia and the caregivers?

Shopping and giving gifts during the holiday season can be challenging, but it is much harder when you’re buying for someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. 

The good news is that there are a variety of fantastic presents for seniors with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Depending on the illness stage, thoughtful gifts for the individual or their caregiver can bring joy or be helpful.

If you’re looking for a gift for a caregiver or someone with Alzheimer’s, here are some ideas to help [1]. 

Gift Ideas for People with Alzheimer’s

These gift suggestions are for those in the early, middle, and late phases of Alzheimer’s. These are stage-specific recommendations intended for keeping the person interested, safe, and active in daily duties. 

For those in the Early Stages of the Disease

  • Post-it Notes or an erasable whiteboard for listing reminders or the day’s activities
  • Labelable trays or baskets that fit into drawers or cabinets.
  • Give them gift cards for a favorite activity (golf, movie, restaurant, etc.) or ride-sharing services so they can stay active.
  • GPS tracking devices, such as watches, bracelets, and small trackers, or signing up for a secure return scheme.
  • A “memory” calendar with images of family members – write down your major family occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Assorted jigsaw puzzles to help provide a healthy mental challenge for the person with dementia while also improving their short-term memory.

For those in Middle-to-Late Stages

  • Music playlists featuring the individual’s favorite artists or songs
  • Loose-fitting, comfortable, easy-to-put-on and wash clothes, including a fluffy bathrobe, sweatsuits, slip-on blouses and shirts, non-slip socks, Velcro shoes, and wrinkle-resistant nightgowns.
  • Framed photos or a photo collage made exclusively for the Alzheimer’s patient. Add the individuals’ names to the pictures to aid with identification.
  • Soothing presents that can ease anxiety, such as a cozy blanket or a portable massager.
  • Adaptive dining equipment, such as spill-proof cups, plate guards, and silverware with specially constructed handles to help increase independence during meals
  • A medication dispenser that can, for example, tell the person with dementia when it’s time to take their medication and automatically dispense the right medication at the right time

To Assist with Routine Tasks and Keep the Alzheimer’s Patient Engaged

  • A “memory” phone that can save images of friends and family together with their names and contact details.
  • Automated nightlights that turn on when it gets dark.
  • A digital clock that shows the time and date in huge text.
  • An excursion to a museum, play, concert, movie, athletic event, or perhaps a planned holiday shopping trip with loved ones.
  • Spending time together making homemade gifts for family members, painting decorations, setting the table, scrapbooking, or carrying out other activities.

Gifts for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers

The most meaningful gift you can give someone who is caring for a person with dementia is your time. Taking a little break every day can assist a caregiver in reducing stress and avoiding burnout. The following gift suggestions could reduce the workload and motivate caregivers to take some time for themselves:

  • Coupons for tasks like shoveling the driveway, mowing the yard, cooking, or cleaning the house
  • Restaurant or meal delivery gift cards and certificates, dry cleaning and laundry services, lawn care services, computer and tech support, maid services, and personal pampering services like massages and pedicures
  • Give books – besides novels on the caregiver’s “must read” list, shops and your local library may stock a wide range of self-help and caregiving books. 
  • Self-care products, like a collection of personal care items (soaps, foot creams, scrubs, moisturizers, etc.)

Donate Today to Support Alzheimer’s Family Caregivers!

The holiday season has begun! As we come together to celebrate this holiday season, let’s take a moment to extend our support to those who are bravely navigating through challenges and hardships. Caregiving is a demanding task that often leaves the caregivers physically, emotionally, and financially unstable. The least we can do is to try to alleviate some of their burden by supporting them via donations.

Let’s honor the dedication and sacrifices of the family caregivers who devote their lives and resources to caring for their loved ones! Don’t forget to support them, which you can do by acknowledging their hard work and donating as much as possible:


  1. Holiday Gift Guide for Caregivers and People Living with Dementia. Alzheimer’s Association. Accessed: 2nd December, 2024.
  2. Holiday Gift Guide for Seniors with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Freedom Village. Accessed: 2nd December, 2024.
  3. Holiday gift ideas for people with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers. AARP. Accessed: 2nd December, 2024.
  4. The Best Gift Ideas for People with Dementia. Senior Helpers. Accessed: 2nd December, 2024.
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