Before donating, please be sure that it is the Alzheimer’s Research Association where you want your donated dollars to go to, and not the Alzheimer’s Association. Even though we have similar names, there is a difference, and we do not want any confusion.
What’s the Difference?
The Alzheimer’s Association is the foremost authority on Alzheimer’s disease research. It funds studies and distributes donated dollars to universities and other entities conducting research and clinical trials.
The Alzheimer’s Research Association is dedicated to the caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. We are committed to researching and compiling the most current information relevant to helping caregivers more effectively support Alzheimer’s patients.
We do this in several ways:
We act as a clearinghouse of the most reliable resources available on caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Every day brings hundreds of new studies, findings, and recommendations from universities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinical trials, health alerts, magazine articles, news articles, videos and sources, authored or indexed by experts in the field. As an organization, we review this wealth of information, organize and prioritize it in a form that provides the greatest benefit to both caregiver and patient.
We turn this information from our partner agencies and our own experiences into state-of-the-art online and video training programs and resources for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. We share information to our members in the form of Alzheimer’s Alerts, caregiver articles, and our blog. We share urgent messages, such as Wandering Alerts, and other information that warrants immediate attention.
We channel our donations to giving the gift of respite care. Most caregivers are in desperate need of a break in their daily lives. They are so concerned and consumed with caring for their patients that they don’t have time for themselves. We help bring some relief by identifying and paying for quality respite care services for caregivers.
We are so grateful to the work of our partner agencies, and to the many supporters, like you, who make all of our work possible.
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