National Institute on Aging Tips and You

National Institute on Aging Tips and YouEveryone knows that the United States government has literally hundreds, if not thousands, of different departments, and we all know that sometimes there is a certain amount redundancy built in. However, even the federal government gets it right sometimes.

One of those times is now, and one of those departments is the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

The people of NIA have taken the subject of Alzheimer’s and the role of the caregiver and made it one of their highest priorities.

The NIA is also the agency that, along with the Health and Human Service Department (HHS), came up with the New National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease. That plan was announced May 15, 2012.

The Alzheimer’s Research Association eventually became a partner with the NIA in the promotion of its “Go4Life” fitness program, a program specifically for seniors.

Below are links to some tip sheets for the caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients that the NIA   has written that we believe you will find useful.

We would like to thank the NIA for allowing the Alzheimer’s Research Association to bring you these valuable Tip Sheets.

Tip Sheets and Resource Lists From the NIA

Everyday Care


 Caregiver Health

Safety and Alzheimer’s Disease


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